ALLOW ME TO INTRODUCE CBI...People ask what we do... Is it conflict resolution? Facilitation? Coaching? Civic engagement? Strategic planning? Consensus building? Team building? Organizational development? Systems thinking? As you can imagine, this list goes on. And the answer is yes. Modern practice requires bringing together the best of our social technologies in ways that are matched to the context, the groups, and the client. CBI works with a broad range of clients in an even wider array of settings to support collaborative work toward ambitious goals. My values and skillsets often lead to work in situations where there are deep rifts and a need to focus on both healing and results. I look forward to working with you.
Including the Democracy Fund,
Annie E. Casey Foundation,
Kettering Foundation,
Skillman Foundation & more.
Including the National Park Service,
Department of Agriculture,
Federal Transit Administration,
Army Corps of Engineers & more.
Including the District of Columbia,
Arlington County, VA,
Early Childhood Advisory Council,
City of Richmond, VA & more.
Including DC Agenda
Greater Washington Initiative,
Family League of Baltimore,
Excellent Schools Detroit & more.
Including Child Care Now,
Birth to Five Policy Alliance,
Children’s Leadership Council,
Learning First Alliance & more.
Including the National Assembly,
National League of Cities,
Partners for Democratic Change,
Phi Delta Kappa & more.
Including Critical Exposure,
DC Voice, Detroit Parent Network,
Fight for Children, GreenHome,
Collaboration DC & more.
Including DC Public Schools,
Achievement Prep Charter School,
George Mason University,
Newark Public Schools & more.
Jonathan Doherty - Assistant Superintendent, National Park Service Chesapeake Bay Office
Patty Rose - Executive Director, Greenspace, NCR
Matthew Melmed - Executive Director, Zero to Three
Gerald M. Cutts - President and CEO, First Childrens Finance
Jane Quinn - Director, National Center for Community Schools
Martin J. Blank - President, Institute for Educational Leadership
Justin Cohen - President, The School Turnaround Group